Over 500 people signed an on-line petition calling for the NUCKLE scheme to be fast tracked.
However, the Government have responded by issuing the following statement:
"The scheme is being promoted by Centro, Coventry City Council and Warwickshire County Council. They have only recently determined the scope of the scheme for enhancing the Coventry - Nuneaton rail service which will include a new station at the Ricoh Arena and plan to submit a business case to the Department for Transport by the end of March 2010. All schemes costing more than £5 million have to go through an appraisal process under which the value for money and costs to the public purse are considered. There is no facility to fast track such schemes.
The capital cost of the scheme would be funded from the West Midlands Regional Funding Allocation with the promoters funding the on-going subsidy costs for at least the first three years."