Uproar over plans for Highfield Road stadium
Builders firm George Wimpey have announced that they are now taking reservations for one and two bedroom apartments on the old Mercers Arms car park opposite Highfield Road. The development called "The City" sees one bedroom apartments at £97,000 and two bedroom ones costing £132,000. In a total,340 units will be built on both the Mercers Car Park and the Highfield Road stadium.
However,local residents,City supporters and councillors have bitterly opposed the plans for the land which was donated to the people of Coventry by Lord Kenilworth.
They are concerned over the price of these units,who would want to live in an area noted for it's prostitution,drugs and asylum seeker problems, the noise and disruption to local residents,the lack of exisiting sports and community facilities in the City and that those who sold the Highfield Road stadium initially to Lang Builders, may not have been entitled to do so.
Speaking to Covsupport, one local resident said: " Is there really any need for this housing development? "We are losing one of the best local resources in the stadium which is as much as a community venue as it is a football ground. "Not only will we have to put up with the noise and pollution from the builders but the streets will be clogged up with all the extra traffic from the people who buy these apartments. "But yet again,Coventry City FC and Coventry City Council have put greed before local people and the club's supporters and they should be thoroughly ashamed".