Bedworth United Chairman Peter Randle has today announced the long awaited news that the “way forward” project to transform the Oval stadium into an all weather facility has been approved. The final link, a grant funded by the Premier League and the F A facilities fund has now been confirmed.
The 3G pitch project which has been 12 months in planning and involving many hours of work by a dedicated team will commence within the next week. Work will have to be completed in 12 weeks to enable F.A. approval testing to take place in time for the start of next season in mid August.
The total cost of the project is approximately £600,000. The PL/FA:FF grant is £357,680. with the balance being donated by Vice Chairman Neill Rayson-Randle as a personal gift to the local community. The intentions are that the all age groups and genders will benefit from the project.
Neill says our thanks must go to Hanna Buckley and the Birmingham FA team who have been most helpful with the planning application. Their guidance has been paramount in securing the grant. Thanks also to Nuneaton and Bedworth
Borough Council for their assistance with the planning consent and allowing a long term 31 year lease for the Oval to be granted.
The 3G pitch will form the bases for a longer term rolling plan to turn the Oval into a stadium that the local community can be proud of. Bedworth United AFC who will run the stadium is a non profit making organisation set up so that no individual can prosper from its activities. Excess revenue generated will be used to further develop the facilities for the benefit of football, other sport and fitness activities for all age and gender groups.
Bedworth currently have the first team, an under 18 side, a Ladies team and 16 schoolboy teams of all ages. Other teams will be added in the future. The woodlands and Coventry City Ladies also will use the new venue.
The pitch can be split into 4 sections for junior games and for training usage by all the local teams in and around the area. Day time use by local schools and other organisations will be accommodated.
Despite fears some may have had regarding the old “astro Turf pitches once tried by QPR Oxford and others in the 1970’s . The new 3G surfaces, which are totally different have eradicated the problems experienced back then.
The FA has issued figures that show that injuries including impact type are in fact better than those from grass surfaces.
Ball bounce was also a problem on the “astro turf” Due to the unpredictable Height the ball could rise of the surface. The 3 G carpet gives far better bounce repeatability. The evenness’ of the surface allows the ball to roll much truer leading to a better passing game which can only be beneficial to football.
Peter Randle has been involved with the Town’s premier football club for
almost 60 years and says this project is the best thing that has happened to date. The clubs future which includes the whole community will be more secure from now on.
Neill Rayson-Randle believes that if we achieve what we have set out to do over the coming years, we will have put down a blue print for community based grass roots football that will be an example for other areas to follow.
He said: "Whilst what we are doing is good and will hopefully build an environment that will last well into the future for the generations that will follow us. Let us not forget the army of unpaid volunteers who have worked uncountable hours to keep grass roots football going in our town. The”Green Army Stalwarts” as I call them deserve our praise and gratitude."