Coventry City have put their half season tickets on sale.
The half season ticket starts from January 1st and is for eleven League 2 matches.
- Age bands for concession Season Tickets are calculated based on the supporters’ age as of 31st August 2017. Please note it is the supporters’ responsibility to ensure that the club has the correct Date of Birth on file for them. Terms & conditions apply.
- A £6 service charge will be applied for any season ticket purchased.
- Zebra Finance will be available for supporters to pay for their season ticket in instalments. Details are shown on the payment screen online.
There are three ways for you to buy your Season Ticket:
- Online at – This is the quickest and easiest way to purchase
- Over the phone on 0844 453 9134
- In person at the Butts Park Arena Ticket Office, during regular opening hours.
You can pay using the following methods:
- Debit Card/ Credit Card (excluding American Express) – Online/Over the phone
- Debit/Credit Card, Cheque or Cash – Butts Park Arena Ticket Office
You will also be able to pay in instalments with Zebra Finance - this option will be available shortly.
Disabled Supporters can be purchased in-person at the Butts Park Arena Ticket Office during regular office hours. Up to date proof of disability will be required.
* Based on Cash Turnstile price of £25