Pictures from Coventry Sphinx's 3-0 win over Westfields.
Sphinx Luke Downes (right) fires his team 1-0 ahead just before halftime.
Ref Kieran Dolphin has a good see view of Trey Brathwaite (left foto) as he sets himself to fire Sphinx 2-0 up. Then right foto scorer Trey Brathwaite celebrates (left) as he is joined by teammate Will Grocott.
Its a penalty to Sphinx as Sphinx 4 Jean Dakouri is fouled by Fields 2 Matt Reeves. But right Fields gk John Hopkins dives to beat out Lewis Rankin Sphinx fierce penalty.
Sphinx's David Akinuli leaps thru the Wesfields defence (foto 1) to barge his shot past advancing Westfields gk John Hopkins L(foto 2) for 3-0 to Sphinx.
Sphinx's Zhuyab Abdirahman right takes on Fields Matt Reeve.
Sphinx's Sam Delaney (foreground) works the ball away from Fields James Baldwin (left)