In A Club Like This - Skankin' At The Rockhouse
The 5th 2-Tone trail plaque unveiling In association with Pete Chambers,
Part of 2-Tone @ 30, celebrating the 30th Anniversary of 2-Tone in Coventry.
Friday 24th July sees the fifth 2-Tone trail plaque unveiled at Coventry Central Library (sponsored by CV One) ( 2.00pm arrive for a 2.30pm start). In the late 70's early 80's the building that now houses Coventry's main library once rocked to the sound of all the 2-Tone bands, including The Specials, The Selecter, the Beat, Madness, The Bodysnatchers and The Swinging Cats. Tiffany's (or the Rockhouse) as it was known, holds many a musical memories (including DJ Pete Waterman and the live recording of Chuck Berry's biggest hit). This plaque commemorates the 2-Tone bands that played there, and indeed recorded live in the building.
Special Guests on the day will be Ranking Roger (The Beat), Aitch Bembridge (The Selecter & The Specials) and Paul Heskett (The Swinging Cats)who will unveil the fifth 2-tone plaque, and will take part in a Question and Answer and signing session hosted by event Organiser Pete Chambers.
It's free, but places are very limited, so if you are able to attend please collect your tickets at Coventry Central Library Information desk.
The events continue on Saturday 25th we have Ska kings Toot'n'SkameN playing live at The Escape Bar in Coventry, with DJ Cardboard The Authentic Trojan Sound System. This is going to be a fabulous night, not to be missed. Free before 10pm, £3.00 after 10.00. £4 after 11.00pm. There are no tickets for this event, its pay at the door.
For more information go to