Riot Threat Calls Off Gig
Last updated : 10 August 2011 By 2 Tone Central
It is with total regret that we at 2-Tone Central have to bring you the bad news that this Saturdays final gig at 2TC(13 Aug) is having to be cancelled.
We have been advised by the police to call the event off due to the present period of unrest that is sweeping the country, and we would not be insured for the event and of course anyone's safety if any problem should occur.
We apologise profusely for this but the matter is pretty much well and truly out of our hands.
Please note full refunds will be given asap via Paypal, if you purchased a ticket, then please return it to the point of purchase only to get your full refund. BUT...STAY TUNED FOR THE NEW AND IMPROVED 2-TONE CENTRAL COMING SOON! AND WE HAVE A BRAND NEW MUSEUM AND MORE EVENTS PLANNED. SEE YOU THERE