Could This Be A New Home For City's Academy?

Last updated : 11 July 2016 By CNS Staff

Could the following planning application being a possible new home for Coventry City's Academy?

The application is for land south of Scarman Road and adjacent to
Whitefield Coppice, Coventry, CV4 7AL and the proposals are for the erection of a new indoor and outdoor sports and leisure development (Use Class D2 with ancillary Class B1(a) offices and Class A3 restaurant and cafe), including a sports centre building, outdoor artificial sports pitches and associated lighting, hard and soft landscaping, fencing/boundary treatment (sports and landscape), car and cycle parking, alterations to existing highway access and creation of new plaza, pathways, trim-trail and outdoor fitness equipment, lighting, land level changes, underground services, CCTV, drainage, car park barriers and refuse/recycling/bin store.