Dhinsa Bid Announced

Last updated : 30 November 2004 By Covsupport

From Mr Dhinsa's solicitors Hughmans of London.

Dear Sirs


RE: Coventry City Football Club (Holdings) Ltd


We act on behalf of Jojar S. Dhinsa and have been instructed by him in respect of an offer to acquire the shares in Coventry City Football Club (Holdings) Ltd and its subsidiaries.


We, together with our clients, have been through the latest accounts and it is very difficult to ascertain the true position of the financial state of the company to enable our client to formulate an offer.


We have advised our client that the most sensible course will be for his fiscal advisers to carry out a due diligence exercise on the basis of our client and his advisers entering into a confidentiality agreement.


We look forward to hearing from you, so that further steps forward can be made with a view to finalising the acquisition.


Yours faithfully