The result of the recent poll conducted by Keep Cov In Cov of Coventry City supporters via their mailing list and social media is as follows:
Full results:
If we are still at NTFC next season (2014/15), what will you do?
Go to games at Northampton
13 %
Boycott Northampton but go to away games
37 %
Boycott all Coventry City FC games
31 %
Give up supporting Coventry City FC
18 %
Don’t know/other
1 %
Which of these statements do you agree with most?
As long as Coventry City FC exists it will always be my club
50 %
I no longer consider Coventry City FC to be my club
21 %
There might be a time when I think Coventry City FC is no longer my club but I don’t think that yet
28 %
Don’t know/other
1 %
Which of these statements best reflects how you feel?
What matters most is supporting the lads and I will continue doing that
5 %
CCFC is in a mess but I still support the team
49 %
I feel like giving up supporting CCFC
31 %
I have stopped supporting CCFC
14 %
Don’t know/other
1 %
If an AFC/Phoenix club was set up would you...
Support it immediately
11 %
Never support it
39 %
Might support it at some point but not yet
41 %
Don’t know/other
9 %
Do you agree or disagree with the KCIC approach?
94 %
5 %
Don’t know/other
1 %
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