City Chairman Mike McGinnity has told Jojar Dhinsa, it's time to show the money.
McGinnity told the CET: "Joe Dhinsa has not gone away and everyone I speak to thinks it is just a publicity stunt. But the thing is he keeps on coming back and back.
"He has said that what is key to his takeover bid is the arena. But the leader of the council, Ken Taylor, has already written to him after being approached with a request to meet up to discuss the matter, and told him that it is not appropriate to meet up to discuss any commercial interest he has in the club, and goes on to ask him not to bother him again.
"The council have already gone public and said there is no way the arena is up for sale because it is an important part of the regeneration of the north side of the city, and I believe he will use this as a convenient 'get-out'."
McGinnity Tells Dhinsa To Cough up
Speaking about the meeting that Mr Dhinsa is holding with City supporters on Saturday, (Covsupport will provide a full report of the meeting), McGinnity said: "I hope the supporters meeting him on Saturday ask him the vital question about the arena. "I would certainly like to ask him if he is absolutely genuine and in a position to put money into the club, and, if so, can we see concrete evidence of his wealth.
"Everyone has heard him talk about £40million but no one has seen it yet. If you do a search on his companies you can't find anything - I know because I have tried.
"Will he name the mysterious four Russians that he has talked about and is he going to approach the board in a formal manner because he has got to get their approval before he does anything?
"Until he comes and meets the board they don't know who he is, so are not just going to sell to anyone and we don't if these Russians exist or where their money is coming from.
"We are not a public company and he can't just buy us. He has to do it through the shareholders and the majority of shares are held by the board, so it is in his interest to make a formal approach to the board to see if they are willing sellers.
"If he wants to come in and put £10 million into the club then we will be in the Premiership next year," he said. "Don't wait for next season - why doesn't he come in and help us now?
"I have letters in from our shareholders and supporters saying 'What are you trying to do to bring in investors', but any time we approach people they turn round and say we have got this guy coming in with £200 million, what do you want us for?"