No Contact Regarding New Stadium

Last updated : 28 December 2014 By SBT

The Sky Blue Trust has an ongoing policy of contacting all surrounding local authorities and Police Forces to identify if contact has been made with Coventry City FC. 

Our latest series of FOI (Freedom of Information) requests were made on 19th November 2014.  

These were sent to the following local authorities and Police forces: 

Stratford, North Warwickshire, Hinckley and Bosworth, Daventry, Rugby, Solihull, Coventry, Nuneaton and Bedworth, Warwick, Warwickshire CC, Northants Police, WM Police, Warwickshire Police, Leicestershire Police.  

The requests asked whether any discussions, meetings or correspondence had taken place between the Councils/Police forces and Coventry City Football Club, its owners, agents or anyone acting on their behalf relating to the development of a football stadium and/or any facilities relating to the business of a Football Club.

All of the Councils have now replied to say that no such discussions, meetings or correspondence have taken place. regarding this matter.

It is common practice for prospective developers to hold “pre-planning” talks with local planning and highways authorities when preparing development proposals and assembling sites for development.

Also, for the first time, a similar request was sent to the Highways Agency - the Government body responsible for managing the network of motorways and other principal roads.  As a similar request had not previously been sent to the Agency, it covered the period from 1 January 2012 to date.  

The Agency have responded to say they have not taken part in any such discussions, meetings or correspondence and are not aware of any discussions with any authority